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Monday, May 29, 2017

"Nobody will believe you. It's like being in Amsterdam, and saying that I have never used hash," she said. "Askush nuk do të të besojë. Eshtë njëlloj si të thuash se kam qenë në Amsterdam, por nuk kam provuar hashash," tha ajo. 🙈👻😎😜😍❤️ #amsterdam #lovetoseetheworld🌏#onceuponatime #whenwewhereyoung😂

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A writer's life is like chasing a shadow. #amwriting #indieauthor #selfpub #writerslife #booklover #goodreads  amzn.to/2rXiC6h 😍📝📚

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Ej ti, shqiptare e prapë,
që shkon kur mërzitesh
prej nesh,
që vjen kur mërzitesh,
prej tyre. 👌📚📝

Poezia êshtë shkëputur nga libri: "Ftesë për flirt" - Flutura Açka
#amwriting #amreading #words, #fjale #goodreads #writerslife #writer

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Accept your eye wrinkles, and life becomes more easy! 


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My dream house! 😎😜 I would live here for ages, and write of course. 👻✍️✌️🔥


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Aha, that's why Dutch people live happy! All you need is a 🚲💐🌾 #Thehague #Holland #Lovethiscity